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The Supreme Court The Bill of Rights The Declaration of Independence The Constitution

10 27 102 5

Kamala Harris Kellyanne Conway Joe Biden Mitch McConnell

Marxist economy Communist economy Socialist economy Capitalism

2 6 4 8

A Member of Congress The President Supreme Court Justices. All of the above

The Supreme Court The Court of Appeals The District Court The Federal Court

Our ancestors The President The flag The founding fathers

George Washington Thomas Jefferson James Madison John Adams

First black President Opened a university All of the above Fought for civil rights

The U.S. declared war on Syria The U.S. was attacked by terrorists Both a and b None of the above

For the first 13 presidents For 13 wars fought For 13 of the top U.S. generals Because there were 13 original colonies

CCaesar Chavez Day, Easter, Christmas Mother's Day, Father’s Day, Labor Day Independence Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and Veterans Day Civil Rights Day, Declaration of Independence Day, Easter

Father of our country All of the above General of the Continental Army First President

Native Americans Canadians Colonists Vikings

All of the above Led the United States during the Civil War Saved (or preserved) the Union Freed the slaves (Emancipation Proclamation)

Communist Republic Socialist Monarchy

President writing new laws Amendments People voting on the changes None of the above

Only Americans who are naturalized citizens must follow the law Everyone must follow the law, except government leaders Everyone must follow the law, leaders and government must obey the law, and no one is above the law Only Congress is above the law

Legislative Executive Judicial All 3

2 years 4 years 6 years 5 years

100 435 200 50

To ensure they are close to the President To more closely follow public opinion To make sure they don’t become too powerful They do more work so they cant be in power for longer than U.S. senators

Some people of the state Citizens of their state The people of the state who belong to their affiliated party Everyone in the country

The General The President The Speaker of the House The Vice President

Federal Court Supreme Court President's Cabinet Both A and B

Anyone with a driver’s license can vote None of the above Everyone must register to vote Citizens eighteen and older (can vote).

Because of high taxes (taxation without representation) Because the British army stayed in their houses (boarding, quartering) Because they didn’t have self-government All of the above

Invented the lightbulb First Cabinet Member to James Madison First Secretary of Treasury None of the above

Mexican-American War American Revolution Civil War World War I

Rosa Parks Susan B. Anthony Michelle Obama All of the above

1927 1942 1920 1931

To make sure their territories were safe To stop the spread of communism To stop the spread of socialism All of the above

Chinese Latinos Indians Africans

July 2nd, 1776 July 6th, 1776 July 4th, 1776 July 8th, 1776

Declaration of Independence U.S. Constitution Proclamation Papers All of the above

The Louisiana Territory The Arizona Territory The Nevada Territory The New Mexico Territory

10th Amendment 14th Amendment 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment

Stock market crash of 1933 Stock market crash of 1931 Stock market crash of 1927 Stock market crash of 1929

Fought to help children get better schooling Fought to end racial discrimination Fought to create equal pay Fought to allow women the right to vote

Automobile Skyscrapers Airplane All of the above

The Land of the Free The Land The Star-Spangled Banner The Song of the Forefathers

A holiday to celebrate our Presidents of the past A holiday to celebrate our independence from Britain A holiday to enjoy all the hard work we have done throughout the year A holiday to honor people in the U.S. military

Self-Government Defines Americans Lets others know who wrote the constitution All of the above

The president from doing wrong Americans ability to receive tax breaks The basic rights of Americans Americans ability to travel wherever they want

It seemed like a good number So one part does not become too powerful They wanted to follow the system that other countries were using More things can get done with three branches

Everyone in the country Other government officials Citizens from their state The President picks them

The Secretary of State The Speaker of the House The Vice President A member of Congress

Members of Congress The President Senators Citizens Vote

Reviews and explains laws, resolves disputes and decides if a law goes against the Constitution Only reviews laws Only explains laws Writes laws

To be independent of politics It is easier this way So they can make their mark on the country All of the above

To incarcerate To declare war To print money B and C

Freedom to bear arms Freedom of speech It states that the powers not given to the federal government belong to the states or to the people. Separation of church and state

U.S. Citizens Anyone in the U.S. Anyone in the World All of the above

Naturalize Derive citizenship Be born in the United States All of the above

Required by law Civic duty Required by the 16th Amendment All of the above

American Revolution Civil War World War 2 World War 1

The French War The Indian War World War 1 All of the above

Everyone was sad about the World War that happened There was a mental health crisis Longest economic recession in modern history Florida was sinking into the ocean due to climate change

Russia Germany China Japan

1 3 4 2

Citizens in their district Citizens in their state The people of the state who belong to their affiliated party Everyone in the country

Because some states are considered better Because some states have more people Because states can pick how many representatives they want to send to the house None of the above

Because of the 22nd Amendment To keep the President from becoming too powerful It is very stressful Both A and B

Member of Congress Supreme Court Justices The President All of the above

5 9 7 11

Provide medical care Provide transportation Provide jobs Provide schooling and education

Political liberty Religious freedom Economic opportunity All of the above

The Civil War The Union War None of the above The Confederacy War

Germany attacked U.S. civilian ships To support the Allied Powers To oppose the Central Powers All of the above

Theodore Roosevelt Franklin Roosevelt Herbert Hoover John F. Kennedy

To secure oil fields Because the U.S. is allies with other countries that are fighting To force the Iraqi military from Kuwait All of the above

All of the above The Korean War Persian Gulf War Global War on Terror

Boston, Massachusetts Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Washington, DC Cleveland, Ohio

We are united We all become one We cannot be stopped Together, we are many

A holiday to enjoy all the hard work we have done throughout the year A holiday to celebrate our Presidents of the past A holiday to honor soldiers who died in military service A holiday to celebrate our independence from Britain

Declaration of Independence Bill of Rights Constitution 10th Amendment

10th Amendment Constitution Bill of Rights Declaration of Independence

Executive, Judicial, and Military Military, Judicial, and Police Executive, Judicial, and Legislative Executive, Legislative, and Military

Congress U.S or National Legislature Legislative Branch All of the above

2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years

Hires White House employees Provides administrative support for the President Advises the President Writes laws

2 5 7 9

4 years 8 years For life 2 years

Vote Pay taxes Serve in the military All of the above

First World War Civil War Mexican-American War Both B and C

Freed slaves Declared war on the South Proclaimed the Union’s independence from the Confederacy All of the above

After the Civil War After the American Revolution After the 4th Amendment All of the above

To support the Allied Powers To oppose the Axis Powers Bombing of Pearl Harbor

Socialism Communism Slavery Civil rights

To stop the spread of communism To stop the spread of socialism To make sure their territories were safe All of the above

Cherokee Aztec Mayan All of the above

New York Washington, D.C. Philadelphia Los Angeles

For the first 50 presidents Because there are 50 states For 50 of the top U.S. generals For 50 wars fought

A holiday to celebrate our independence from Britain The day we celebrate all of our Presidents Both A and B The Country's birthday

Republican Democratic GOP Independent

Pacific Eastern North Sea Antarctic

March 31 March 15 April 15 April 1

1774 1801 1787 1877

April December November January

Civics Test – Flash Cards